The African Queen

Hi All, This was Bakersfield, CA two weeks ago. I had a great time, the weather was nice, and the pavement was amazing as usual. I took some artistic license this time with the image – as you will see. I altered a few things for the sake of limited time and to add more pizazz and vibrant color where it counts on the ground in a situation like this.

As far as I can remember, I’ve never taken such liberties before. Notice the eye color and highlight difference. Simplifying her clothing was in the interest of time. This painting took about 2 full days – starting Friday afternoon and finishing Sunday afternoon. The weather was perfect, I had my easy-up and so was in the shade! Halleluiah! The ground was fabulously newly blacktopped, as it is every year. I LOVE that about this festival.

Here’s the beautiful reference photo:


Here is the 8 ft x 12 ft street painting:


This may be my last street painting of the season…we’ll just have to wait and see!